The other day, we had a severe snowstorm. In the span of an hour – the weather worsened. The pathway below my apartment was invisible. Public transportation was paralyzed. Offices announced closures since no one could get to them. Airports were forced to cancel flights and shut down. TV channels flashed regular weather updates warning viewers to stay indoors to avoid danger of accidents and frostbite. As the day progressed, the snowflakes continued to fall until the entire landscape was covered in white. Unfortunately, as I discovered the next day, much to my chagrin – so was my car! But, for that day & night, as the snow fell in soft white flakes – it was blissfully calm and quiet. The scenery looked right out of a picture postcard. The weather gave everyone an opportunity to spend some good ol' family time, away from the rush of the ticking clock and endless to-do lists.
I think it was Mother Nature's way of granting us all, the gift of a much-needed break from the frenetic activity that goes on through the year. What gifts would I choose for all of us as we step into another trip around the sun?
1.Peace. Yes – that quiet feeling that creeps from within when your mind is not chasing strings of thoughts around. Not quite as encompassing as world peace, but as we all know – it can be just as elusive. May this be the year that you find peace within.
2.Health – Most of us are seriously work-life imbalanced. And as I navigate through each day, I find that the one thing that manages get lower down the priority list is my time to exercise and maintain my body to do all that I want to do. May this be the year that we spend more time being well, than worrying about it!
3.Discovery – We often walk the same path each day, without discovering and exploring the things and changes around. Seasons come and go, and another year rolls by. I've learnt that people also move in and out of our lives. It is up to us to discover them and make the connection. Exchange thoughts & ideas; explore the world. Who knows, that stranger today may happen to be your good friend tomorrow! May you have the chance to discover many such fulfilling relationships that enrich your life.
4.Time – The greatest gift of all. I've seen that it's not always about keeping schedules. Abandon that watch. Share your time with those you love. I was surprised how giving this to someone I cared about made a positive impact on my day. May you have and receive thisfrom those near and dear to you.
These I wish for all of us!