Friday, July 07, 2006

New York By Night ...

Armed with directions and train route information from Adele, I got onto the correct train and reached Perth Amboy station by 8:30 pm. Adele was at the station to meet me with a big grin on her face. She was driving a huge SUV and I must admit I was paranoid to see her drive it. Looked like a small kid trying to control a hulk of a vehicle!

Met Adele's fiance Steven and we both shared our paranoia over Adele's driving skills and pulled her leg about it. We then decided to go into downtown NY (again ???) for dinner. After driving through the notorious Jersey traffic, we were back in Times Square by 11pm. After a quick dinner of some delicious Kathi rolls, we went to a nightclub to sample the NY nightlife. I found the place rather loud, and so did Adele, so we spent the time sitting in the lobby catching up. Once we were done - we got back to our parking lot at 2:30 am, only to be told that the lot was closed until 6 am. Now we were stuck. Left with no other option - we decided to spend the night at 33rd & Penn station. There were a lot of people like us, either stranded or just waiting for their train there. I spent time there chatting with Avril, Steven & Adele.
Soon it was morning, and we strolled out at 5 am, to the nearest MacDonalds for a sumptuous breakfast. Got back home at 7 am ... Had a mini school reunion planned for brunch, but just could not help catching up on a few hours of sleep .... :)

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