Friday, June 09, 2006

Visit to Smoky Mountains - 2

The next day we decided to trek on some Trails in the Smoky mountain National Park. After getting off to a rather late start - we headed out to the highest point in the Smokies.

This is a asphalted trail more like a road - that lets people with disabilities enjoy the trail and the view too. I appreciate this thoughtful approach towards ensuring that everyone can enjoy the wonderful sights that the moutains have to offer.

This was a rather long, and hot walk to the top. Temperatures were touching 90 degrees Fahrenheit and we were glad to fianlly reach at the top and enjoy the cool breeze. The view from the top - needless to say, was extremely picturesque.

Next, we decided to head out to another trail called the Rainbow Falls trail. This is a 2.6 mile walk through the woods. This was like an actual trek and great fun. Denish, Parag and myself were leading the pack followed by the others. En route Denish spotted a deer, while Aparna encountered a snake! This trek took us over an hour to complete and the waterfall at the end was worth the long walk. Just hearing the birds chirp and walking through the woods along the river hearing the water gush down was enjoyable. On the way we also saw an owl - fast asleep in his hollow.

It was rather late as we were climbing up and since we did not have any torches on us - I had smartly left mine in my backpack in the car!! We moved as fast as possible and soon we were at the Rainbow Falls.

The falls were probably named such because of the sun rays that fall on them and create a rainbow effect. However, we were too late to enjoy that view since the sun was setting by the time we got there. The setting still provided a great view and after enjoying the refreshingly cool water of the falls - we headed back. By this time it was getting darker by the minute and the thought of bears inhabiting these woods was foremost in my mind. Denish took the lead and was soon out of sight, while Parag & myself were next. Tiredness was catching up with us and all of us were stumbling and tumbling down the trail.

Back at the cabin - it was time for some good tandoori style grilled chicken. Shantanu & myself prepared the marinade while Alok & Parag pitched in with the grilling to get them done uper quick. This was combined with corn on the cob so that the vegetarians could enjoy it in addition to their cooked meal. The chicken was a super hit and we also had some veggies converted to chicken-eaters who appreciated it!

The drive back the next day was rather uneventful, and as I drove across the Chicago Skyway toll - thoughts of work and office started drifting in. But it had been a wonderful 3 days - ones that I would always like to recollect at leisure!

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